Lil'Coup Lifestyle Brand Identity
Lifestyle shop Lil'Coup is a little rebellion trying to change the world in to a better place to live. We catch the things people could simply forget and bring them back to the world for notice and change. Such thing as code of conduct and etc.

This is the Logo of Lil'Coup. Made with safe informing color black and yellow to tell people about the danger in bad situation such as war. The meaning of Lil'Coup is little coup de tat. The revolutionary change starts with a little revelion. The change for knowning what to do in situations like war.

Stationery system was made from the logo. Bold lines were used to amplify the identity of Lil'Coup. Such things as address and name of the brand, employer can be used as a substitude goods of bold lines.

Poster of Lil'Coup tell people how they can pack in case of War. In circumstances like war, everything can lead to disaster and panic. So Lil'Coup made possible to pack your bag without thinking to much what to pack.

These are the emergency kit that can be used in the war. Multi-use flash light, Almond Chocolate, Mixed Nuts, Matches, Multi-use whistle, large and small sized water, fire starter, card knife and space blanket. There contents and the usage were shown with illustrations and infographic to save much people as possible.